Reporting any incident or allegation is never an easy or a light decision but rest assured that it will always be taken seriously, addressed and responded to.
Anybody can report an incident or allegation. If you experience something personally or witness or hear something which you think is discriminatory or a safeguarding concern, please report it.
If you feel able to raise it with the person at the time; raise it.
If you feel able to raise it with the club; raise it and if you don’t there are various other people you can raise your concern with:
Remember you do not have to be the person experiencing the issue; it is everybody’s responsibility to address and challenge discrimination, inappropriate behaviour, and poor sportsmanship. Only then can we start to address and change the culture and acceptance of these types of behaviour.
To aid that process, the Surrey Cricket Foundation (SCF) has created a proforma of what that reporting process may look like. If you have any questions or queries, please contact us on email at or visit our FAQs below for more information.
Raise an allegation/complaint