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The ECB has created a new online safeguarding course with sections relevant to different roles in cricket. Please note there is an FAQ document at the bottom of this email should you have any questions.

For those with an ECB elearning account simply log onto your ECB eLearning account You will see the ‘Safeguarding for Specialist Multiple Roles’ (SSR) course listed. The top-up elements will be greyed out, these will only become available once the SSR has been completed. If you have forgotten your log on details, contact and they will send you a reminder. Please note that existing coaches/activators or those who have registered on an ECB coaching course will already have an account.

For those without a current ECB eLearning account, please register via the link to your most most relevant role:

Safeguarding For Captains and Team Managers
Safeguarding For Committee Members and Club Safeguarding Officers
Safeguarding For Umpires and Scorers


What are the changes?

How Long?

How Often?

I already have the SYC though...

I am not due yet, can I complete the course anyway?

I do more than one of the roles listed in the top up elements...

Will I get a certificate?

Overseas Coaches

Overseas coaches who have a recognised qualification but no SPC – Must attend face to face UK Safeguarding and Protecting Children course.

For any queries please email Alastair Hughes.

Related Documents

FAQs - Safeguarding for Specialist Roles


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